TheThird Edition of the Roman Missal

11 11 2011

Hi all! Wondering where I’ve been? Working, mostly. Also some studying. Both of these occasionally lead me to wander the Internet aimlessly, discovering cool Catholic things. All of the above contributed to this particular post.

Do you know about the new translation of the Roman missal? For those of you not in the know, the Roman missal is the book that contains what might be referred to as the script for liturgy in the Catholic church. All of the prayers said at Mass, all year long,are contained within that book. Back when the Mass was always said in Latin, it was a (comparatively) simple process to distribute the text to the Catholics of the world. Now that Mass is said in the vernacular (the local language), the Mass needs to be translated. We’ve been using the first rushed translation of the Mass for a few decades now. That’s changing.

I’ve been spending the fall preparing the teens (and lots of other random people I encounter) for the changes.

Do you think you know all about the changes? Are you prepared? Then take this quiz, courtesy of Jimmy Akin, a Catholic apologist.


If you find yourself in need of a little more information before we make the switch, head on over to and watch the video designed for your age / place in life.  It’s a fabulous website put together by LIFETEEN.

And yes, this is more or less insight into my days.

More posts over the weekend.  Love from Wisconsin!



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