Seven Quick Takes: Community Edition

24 08 2012

1.  It is 9:07 am here in Wisconsin, and I am sitting at a campus coffee shop enjoying a hot coffee beverage.  I had a lovely catch-up phone call with one of my best friends last night, and she determined that cold coffee is not allowed to be a morning beverage.  I pushed for 10:00am.  She countered with 11:00, and I think that is where we either compromised/stalemated.  Either way, it’s hot coffee for me and a good mood left over from the kind of wonderful conversation I don’t have enough these days.

2. I am not working today.  Well, other than sending an email or two, which I REFUSE to let count.  Other than that, I am working pretty much the whole weekend.  Yay me.  I am going to not go in until Monday afternoon, and spend the morning with a friend and her little son.

3.  I am getting a lot better at mornings than I used to be.  It’s a combination of sunlight and coffee, I think.  And sometimes working out.  But mostly the skylight and the lovely, lovely coffeemaker my grandma gave me.

4.  It’s sinking in that my lovely sister moved away.  I understand that I moved first, but she moved farther.  I’ve been doing pretty well at seeing her every month or two anyway, so this is going to be rough.  I’ll be seeing her for the ND/Michigan game next month, but after that?  Not until Christmas, I think.  Thank heavens for Skype.

5.  Here is a well-thought out essay that really resonated with me, and my current thoughts on the political process:  I have really been tempted to throw in the towel these past few weeks.  I don’t like any of my voting options at the moment, and reading Facebook is starting to be painful.  I have a few FB friends who are at opposite ends of the political spectrum and posting meme after meme after attack ad and it’s making me want to lock the two of them in a room and see who comes out when it’s all over.

I mean that in the most Christian way possible, of course.

6.  A couple of the former high schoolers I got to know being a mentor for ND Vision are now at Marquette.  Two met up with me today to chat.  I really love the community that Vision fosters.  As a way of continuing that community, and encouraging more growth in faith, Vision has launched a blog!  Check it out at  I recommend it.

7.  8 days until Notre Dame football!

Here Come the Irish!

As always, go see Jen Fulwiler, the Quick Takes Queen.



One response

24 08 2012

I have to agree. Virginia is sooo far away. Somehow having kids at ND made me feel better about my kids being away. Even Milwaukee feels not too far (just a “grandma and a bit”).

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