There are some plans…

30 05 2011

For a while, I’ve been sitting rather quietly on a mass of ideas that I hoped would congeal into a plan for life post-PULSE.  There are still a good deal of details remaining to be worked out.  However, I am pleased to announce that there are some plans for next year!

I am officially going to be pursuing my MA in Theology from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Hooray!

I’m still sorting out various details of housing and employment, so I can’t tell you exactly where I’ll be dwelling, but it is very likely that I will be moving into an unfurnished apartment sometime in August.  If any of you loyal readers are looking to get rid of furniture or cookingware in the next few months, do let me know.

Speaking of sometime in August, Notre Dame Alumnae might be interested in another something I’m planning: Ladies of our Lady Retreat- A Spiritual Journey (click here for the flier).  The retreat will be modeled after ND Campus Ministry’s Notre Dame Encounter with Christ retreat.  Haley Scott DeMaria ’95 will be speaking and mingling and if her story isn’t amazing, I don’t know what is.

Okay, that’s all for this Memorial Day.  Keep a look out this week for some photos… I owe you guys a bunch.  Thanks to anyone still checking in.  I know that at least Mom & Grandma will be happy.  Love you!



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