I baked a pie last night.

24 11 2011

That is to say… Happy Thanksgiving.  I’m busy this year being grateful for my family, my boyfriend, my friends near & far, my job working with the Church, the chance I have to be educated, food to eat, a really comfortable bed to sleep in (really comfy… did I mention yet that it’s 7:00am where I live now?).

I am grateful for confidence, for joy, for the freedom to be grumpy sometimes, for creativity, for patience, for style, for computers, for the Internet, for composure, for football, for foggy mornings, for the color green, for the opportunity to be grateful.

One last expression of gratitude to my housemates back in Pittsburgh for being encouraging with me as I learned how to have fun making deliciousness in the kitchen.  Thanks ESPECIALLY to Laura for the pie crust recipe.

Apple cranberry pie with an oatmeal crumble top at my place!  But first, two types of homemade salsa.  🙂



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